The Bad Questions
13. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
Some are going to think that this is a cheesy question. A person should have some idea where their life is headed. You don’t want to spend your life with someone who has no goals or aspirations.
Do their goals match what yours are? If you don’t plan on being with them ten years down the line, then it doesn’t matter.
Maybe you’re a college student looking to hang out with someone, and that’s it; if so, then ten years from now, the two of you will be far apart.
If you’re thinking about being in a long term relationship, then ten years isn’t that far away, and knowing what they want to do with their lives is a must.
12. What’s the one thing that you least like about yourself?
Are you going to get an honest answer to this question? It probably depends on how long you’ve been dating.
A question such as this one is good to determine how shallow the person is. How do they respond to the question?
Do they wish they were taller, or does the answer go deeper than that?
Maybe the things they least like about themselves are their quick temper or their selfishness. Don’t read too much into it if the answer you get seems foolish since a lot of people don’t like to put themselves on the spot like this.
11. How often do you like to have sex?
So, this is one of those questions that seems pretty far out there. However, you do need to know if your partner has the same type of sex drive as you do.
Don’t ask this question on a first date, as it will make you sound like a pervert.
If you’ve already had sex, then it’s perfectly fine to ask how often they like to have sex. Are you the type who is happy having sex a couple of times a month? If so, then you’re in for a rude awakening if your partner wants sex every day.
10. What is the strangest habit you have?
We all have strange habits. There isn’t a single person reading this that doesn’t do something so strange that others would find it off the wall.
What do you do that’s weird? Maybe you like to shave before you go to bed, or you have to have an odd number of strawberries in your cereal every morning.
Your date may surprise you with their answer, so prepare yourself.